Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jesus Offers Rest

The gift that Jesus offers at the end of Matthew chapter 11 might not be what you expect, but it might be something that you really long for.  He offers peace, comfort, rest - a break from what we are trying to do all the time.

We are busy people.  We are busy trying to do our work, busy trying to play sports or get our children to sports, busy trying to find new and fun activities, busy trying to keep up our appearance, busy trying to stay busy.  There are very few times we rest.

The busy-ness translates to our spiritual life, too.  When we are so busy with everything else we are trying to do, we find ourselves trying to fit in "Jesus Time," as well.  And sometimes it is a lot of work.  Is God happy with me?  Am I doing enough?  Do I need to be doing something more, something better?

The popular teachers of Jesus' time would pile up instructions for their followers, or disciples to follow.  If you want to follow a rabbi, you would need to take up his 'yoke.'  A 'yoke' was the body of teachings the rabbi would give to his followers.  Just like a two oxen would wear the same yoke while plowing a field, a rabbi and his disciple would be bound together in going the same direction.

Jesus gives a different description of what his yoke is like.

Matthew 11:28-30
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Jesus had a message that is different than other religious leaders.  (Even today many Christian pastors wear a stole over their robes to symbolize the yoke of Jesus.)  The point was not what his followers needed to do, as much as a reliance on what he would do for them.  The message is still different than other religious leaders.

Almost every religion is about what a person needs to do.  There are requirements for offing sacrifices to the Hindu gods.  There are steps to becoming a more enlightened Buddhist.  There are five pillars of actions that accompany a good Muslim.  The Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons have specific activities they need to accomplish to please God.  Christians are even tempted to fall into that trap of 'doing' enough to make God happy, but Jesus' message is different.  It's about what Jesus has done.  It's about the cross.

Jesus is reaching out to us and offering us rest for our busy lives.  He wants to give us what we really need.

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