Friday, August 22, 2014

Purpose of the Bible

So why do we have the Bible?  What is so important about what has been written down by a bunch of guys two to three thousand years ago?  The author and apostle, John, was willing to acknowledge the fact that there were a lot of things that happened, even during his own lifetime, that were not written down and recorded for people, but he wanted to give the reason that any of it has been shared.  It's not only the purpose of his book, but I believe it is the purpose of the entire Bible:

John 20:31 "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in his name."

The reason that we have the Bible, God's Word, is so that we can have life. We can have eternal life when we are in heaven, but that life does not wait until we die - God wants us to have real life here on earth. He doesn't just want people to be alive, God want's people to be full of the life that only he is able to provide. That life was once blocked by sin, but because of Jesus' death and resurrection, all of us are able to have real life that starts now.

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