Saturday, August 23, 2014

Worth the Wait

Mowing the lawn is one of my favorite activities when I am working around the house. It is a lot of fun to look at the difference between the tall scraggly grass and the nice clean lines, all cut to the same height. I may be tired after going up and down our hills, but I am so excited to see the finished product. It's nice when other people comment on how nice it looks, as well.

Planting landscaping is not as fun for me. I can plant a tree in our yard and it pretty much looks the same as when it was in the thin plastic pot. Some day it might be a tree that we can climb, a tree that will have apples or berries, a tree that will give shade to our yard, but not yet. Right now the tree is just small and needs time to grow. It may be a great tree some day, but for now I just have to wait.

Abraham's wife, Sarah, struggled with waiting for results, too. She was told she would have a baby, even though she was older than most grandmothers that you may know. She wasn't sure how it was going to happen, but it was not happening soon enough, in her opinion. If God was going to make this happen, it should happen right away, like a fresh cut lawn, not like waiting for a tree to grow.

Sometimes it is hard for us to wait, as well. Good stuff happens when we wait, though, and we need to trust that God will work things according to his time. Grass grows quickly, but is weak and easily crushed. Trees grow slowly, but develop strong limbs that can support a large amount of weight allowing for great tree houses. There may be something that you are waiting for, right now, but God is growing you into a strong person, in the mean time.

Psalm 27:13-14New International Version (NIV)

13 I remain confident of this:
    I will see the goodness of the Lord
    in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.

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